Testing & Measuring Instruments Manufacturers Suppliers Exporters

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Ahmedabad Rajkot

Contact Person: MR. KALPESH DESAI
Tel No. 79 - 25507814
Leading Mfr, Supplier And Exporter Of An Excellent Range Of Inspection, Testing And Measuring Instruments ...More
Contact Person: MR B.C. SHAH
Tel No. 79 - 26608288 / 26407965 / 30910881
Deals In Testing & Measuring Equipment, Machine Tool, Measuring Instrument, Micrometer, Ring Gauge, Tool, Vernier Caliper ...More
RAJKOT - 360001 ,INDIA
Contact Person: MR. MANOJ BHALALA
Tel No. 281 - 2227645
Testing & Measuring Instruments ...More